It's time to feel SAFE again.
Retrain your brain in as little as 8 weeks.
A comprehensive, evidence-based program based on pain science, psychology, and mindfulness to help you understand the mind-body connection, provide practical exercises to retrain your brain, significantly reduce or eliminate chronic pain and symptoms, and reclaim your life.
Payment plans available starting at $49/month. Select Google Pay or AfterPay at checkout.

You probably feel like you've tried everything.
Medications, physical therapy, infusions, and supplements have given you little to no relief. You're frustrated, anxious, angry, fearful, and ready to give up hope.
But maybe it's time to try just one more thing - retraining your brain.
Through years of research and over a decade of personal experience with chronic pain and illness, I overcame my conditions with the most important discovery: the very real and debilitating symptoms I was experiencing were NOT coming from my body... they were coming from my brain.
When we experience pain and symptoms outside of the normal healing process, we are likely experiencing Mind-Body Syndrome, also known as Neuroplastic Pain or Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS). This occurs when the brain misfires pain signals to the body without a structural cause, or the signals continue firing after an injury has healed.
Pain is meant to protect us, but when the brain can't distinguish safe from dangerous, it continually sends pain signals to the body. And pain doesn't only mean physical pain; the same neural pathways also cause dizziness, fatigue, brain fog, stomach issues, itching, tingling, burning sensations, skin conditions, and more.
With brain retraining and nervous system regulation, we can make our brain feel safe. This leads to significantly reducing or even eliminating chronic pain and symptoms!
- You’ve been diagnosed with multiple “rare” and “unexplainable” conditions.
- You’ve tried countless treatments and medications with little to no long-term results.
- You’ve been dealing with chronic symptoms for longer than three months.
- Your symptoms move around, change intensity, vary in frequency, increase or decrease based on activity.
- You’re tired of being fearful of foods, exercise and events.
- You’re ready to get to the root of your chronic symptoms instead of just “managing” them.
- Chronic Migraine (also Vestibular Migraine, NDPH)
- Chronic pain of the Back, Neck, Shoulder, Pelvis etc.
- Fibromyalgia
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
- TMJ and other unexplained facial pain
- Occipital/Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Chronic muscle tension/pain
- Long COVID
- Brain Fog
- Cluster Headaches
- POTS / Dysautonomia
- Post-Concussion Syndrome
- Tinnitus
- Interstitial Cystitis
- Food sensitivities
- PCOS / Other Unexplained Hormone Imbalances
- Vaginismus / Vulvodynia
- Chronic yeast infections, BV, UTIs
- Urticaria/unexplained itching
- Unexplained pain, tingling, burning, dizziness, nausea, etc.
If you have a chronic condition that is not listed, please reach out to [email protected] to discuss if this course would be right for you.
This program can be completed in as little as 8 weeks, with a new module released every week from date of enrollment.
- 8 modules with video lessons on topics such as the mind-body connection, breaking the pain-fear cycle, decreasing hyperviligance, and more - all taught by Chandler.
- 8 guided meditations, including Somatic Tracking and Visualizations to download to your personal device for easy access.
- 25 practical, self-reflective worksheets focused on building evidence that you can heal, identifying self-limiting beliefs, and more to download and print.
- Email communication with me for Q+A and support alongside your journey.
- UNLIMITED ACCESS to course content so you'll always have it as a resource.
Acute vs. Chronic Pain
-The process of pain
-Why pain persists
-How to cultivate safety
Neuroplastic Pain
-Evidence for neuroplastic pain
-Pain Reprocessing Therapy
-Life Changes
The Mind-Body Connection
-Understanding the mind-body connection
-Nervous system regulation
-Trauma and the Inner Child
-Somatic Tracking
Breaking the Pain-Fear Cycle
-Understanding the pain-fear cycle
-Decreasing hypervigilance
-Breaking preoccupation about symptoms
-Thought Redirection
Believing (and accepting) You Can Heal
-Self-limiting beliefs
-Radical acceptance
Reevaluating Your Treatments
-Being an active participant in your treatment
-Gradual exposure
-Rewriting your story
Identifying Your Values
-Core values
-Living in alignment with your authentic self
-Releasing guilt and shame
-Focusing on your passions
Stumbling Blocks are NOT Barriers
-Symptom imperative
-Forgiving yourself
-Building your routine
Not promising "management" or "magic"
I've been told by conventional doctors that I'd need lifelong medications and injections to manage my pain. Functional medicine doctors pushed endless blood tests, expensive supplements, and lengthy detoxes.
Both failed to recognize the need to consider both the mind and body to overcome chronic pain and symptoms.
At Mindfully Chic, we don't just "meditate the pain away." We retrain the brain to stop misfiring pain signals and react less to changes in our internal and external environment.
The Mind-Body REconnection Course proves that combining scientific and holistic remedies is the best path to healing.
- Evidence-based, cognitive-behavioral brain retraining tools to help you reduce or eliminate chronic pain and symptoms.
- A deep understanding of how your mind and body are connected that will make any possible diagnosis or symptom less scary.
- The confidence to overcome any flare-up and break the pain-fear cycle.
- The autonomy to be an active participant in your treatment.
- The ability to identify your core values and implement lifestyle changes.
- The power to get your life back from the grips of chronic pain and symptoms in as little as 8 weeks!
So happy you're here!
Chronic Pain Recovery Coach
Certified Holistic Life Coach
Certified MindBody Syndrome (TMS) Practitioner
M.A in Clinical Psychology, Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy
I am a lover of both science and holistic wellness.
Having been diagnosed with over a dozen chronic conditions, debilitated by even more random symptoms, and tried an equal number of medications and treatments, and being in pain and discomfort all day, every day... I understand the toll that living with chronic pain and chronic illness takes on you.
I created Mindfully Chic as a relatable and accessible space for mental health, wellness, and overcoming chronic conditions. My goal is to provide as many people as possible with the exact blueprint I used to overcome chronic migraine, occipital neuralgia, cluster headaches, fibromyalgia, IBS, and more.
No matter your condition, how long you've had symptoms, or how many treatments you've tried - you will find benefit in my wholistic approach to regulating your nervous system and overcoming what's holding you back from living your most fulfilled life.
Everyone is welcome here!
“This course was everything I ever needed. My knee pain would cause me to be fearful of physical activities I love such as basketball. Not having that release worsened my depression and resulted in massive weight gain from inactivity. After learning about the mind-body connection, I've actively worked on taking the fear out of my pain, resulting in my returning to basketball after 3 years.”
~Marcus A.
“After taking this course, I am no longer taking medication for chronic migraine and my attacks went from 1-2 times a week to 1 a month! I started eating bananas and cheese again and even had a glass of wine at dinner last night."
~ Layla R.
“Thank you for your program. Your delivery is so comforting but also deeply educational. I have found the series, the meditations, and worksheets incredibly helpful and plan to watch them all again (I actually rewatched several already) because I get something new each time."
~ Diane R.
As low as $49/month
Payments vary upon approval through Google Pay and Afterpay
How long is the course?
Are there any requirements before starting the course?
When can I expect to see improvement?
What if my condition/symptom isn't listed?
What if I've been dealing with pain symptoms for 30+ years?
What if I've never done meditation?
Do you offer 1:1 coaching?